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In a castle or in a bank vault?

The young usually choose a hostel while travelling. Which hostels stand out not for the quality but for something else? Its look, interesting rooms or special offers? Would you choose to sleep in a hostel that was once a bank vault, a cell or even a car trailer? It would definitely stay in your memory.


Sleeping in a vault

Believe it or not, we can find interesting hostels even in Slovenia. Hostel Tresor is a unique hostel, which lies in the middle of Ljubljana. Hostel Tresor is a place, which offers accommodation to travellers who want to meet new people, like simplicity and unique environment but still love comfort. The rooms are unique and carefully planned. While some represent the present and the future, some are touching nostalgia and stories from the past. They remember the values, which ran through this building – money currencies. The hostel was once a bank vault. The decor reminds people what the building used to be, home of the bankers and the rest of the story is in touch with current trends, from electronic locks and personalization of every room, says on this website.

A plane, a trailer or a streetcar?

In Sweden they renovated a vehicle. Hostel Jumbostay offers an accommodation on a plane, which obviously stays on the ground. They added a luxury suit in a pilot cabin, which offers a magnificent view on the airport. They also promise lots of leg room and a flight without annoying passengers. The Netherlands also decided to renovate something that was once moving. They renovated car trailers and gave them a permanent home. In the hostel Lucky Lake near Amsterdam they offer 25 vacation trailers. They painted the trailers and gave them a unique style. To truly feel like you’re in a camp, they are put in an open circle and inside the circle they put tables for table tennis, bean bags and even a kitchen. In Australia, in Sydney central station (they have a wonderful location) is hostel Railway Square where you can sleep in a streetcar wagon or in an old main building from 1904, which also has a charm of an old train station.

Ghost hunting in a castle

If you want to feel like a king, choose your own castle. In Nürnberg, you’ll find a 500 year-old castle, which was renovated in a hostel Jugendherberge Nürnberg. The real surprise is waiting for you when you step in. The building kept its original look from outside, but inside, the castle offers modern rooms with a bar, bistro and common areas. It’s not the only hostel where people can sleep in a castle. Germany is full of castles and some were renovated into hotels and few also in hostels. In the valley of river Ren there’s hostel Bacharach from 12th century, which is lying on one of the most romantic locations (and because Paris is the most romantic city in the world, let me mention that Bacharach was French during French revolution). You will feel royal in British Lydney where stands St. Briavels Castle. The castle is more than 800 years old and kept its original look so guests can guess, which member of the royal family slept in each room. An even more interesting thing is that the castle is supposed to be haunted and people even go ghost hunting. Guests often hear children crying, see knights and the furniture is moving.

Remoteness in nature

Hostels should be accessible and kind to their visitors. Manali International hostel will definitely tire you. It is located in Kheer Ganga that can be reached only if they go on a 15-kilometre hike to the foot of Himalaya. A great starting point to see the miracle of nature is also an Islandic hostel Ytra Lón, which lies on the edge of Arctic circle, 650 kilometres from Reykjavik and 10 kilometres from the village Skalar, which is a remote village. Remoteness definitely pays off as people can see the northern lights. If you want to travel in the past, hostel Gearrannan is perfect for you with its stone walls and thatched roofs. Typical island house will offer a look in Gaelic culture and a view on Scottish landscape is magnificent. 

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