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Young people learning to travel different

Over 100 workshops for young people have already taken place

Travel Different for Future is an international project raising awareness among young people about sustainable travel and promoting responsible tourism. Through five innovative 90-minute-long workshops, with interactive content, and practical approaches, the project offers young people the opportunity to understand the impact of travel on the environment.

The project was created to educate young people on a more sustainable way of exploring the world. The initiative brings together four organisations from Spain, Portugal, Germany and Slovenia, which work together to create workshops, events, and content to promote sustainable tourism. These organisations are REAJ, Movijovem, JANUN Hannover e.V. and Hostelling International Slovenia. Over 100 workshops have already taken place, especially in schools. They were developed as part of four international youth exchanges together with the volunteers.

The project was recently selected as a finalist for the Global Youth Travel Awards in the Best Responsible Tourism Initiative category.

Sustainable workshops for young people

As part of the project, five innovative workshops offer young people practical guidelines for responsible travel. Some of the workshops are already available on the project website, where teachers and youth workers can download materials for free and use them in their work with young people.


Currently, the following workshops are available:

  • Microadventure Workshop: Participants explore and share information about what interests them in their own region. Based on this, they create so-called microadventures within a 30 km radius in groups, with a budget of 60 euros per person for a three-day trip. More on project web page.
  • Youth Travel Workshop: Participants learn about youth travel opportunities, such as work camps, exchanges, and volunteer activities. They explore these opportunities in groups and present interesting youth travel options to each other for an engaging learning experience. More on project web page.
  • Eco Friendly School Trip Workshop: Participants evaluate the environmental aspects of a school trip in small groups. They learn about the impact of mobility, food, accommodation, and activities on the environment. Based on the provided criteria and tasks, they design environmentally friendly school trips to encourage innovative ideas for future trips. More on project web page.

Materials for two new workshops will soon be available: Mobility and Climate Change, which explores how different modes of travel impact the climate, and Eco friendly at Destination, which focuses on sustainable practices during your stay. Follow us to be notified when they become available.

Invitation to participate and support us

We encourage you to spread the word about our project, whether through social media, word of mouth, or any other channels available. Your support is vital to help us achieve our mission. Alongside Facebook and Instagram, we've now launched a TikTok channel dedicated to spreading the vision of sustainable tourism. Show us your support by following, liking, and commenting—every bit helps! And don't forget to subscribe to our newsletters.

If you are from Spain, Portugal, Slovenia, or Germany (Hannover region), under 30 years old, and would like to be part of the project, contact us, and we will see if we can include you in the working team. The number of spots is limited.


Teachers and youth workers are also encouraged to contact us if they would like us to conduct workshops with young people aged 13 to 18 at their school or youth centre. Currently, workshops are being conducted in the aforementioned countries, while those coming from other areas can access the free online materials to conduct the workshops themselves.

A big thanks to our supporters

The four international youth exchanges were supported by the EU's Erasmus+ funding programme, while the overall project was supported by the German Federal Environmental Foundation DBU.

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