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Get Your Backpack and Say Goodbye

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Tips and tricks on how to most effectively pack for the journey

We usually spend the last days before departure trying to squeeze the last few things we don’t want to leave at home into our backpacks and suitcases. Some people have already “mastered the art” of packing, while others less so, and there are people who have their backpacks or suitcases already waiting weeks before departure, slowly and carefully filling them up. Then there are also those who wait up to the last moment because they have no idea where to put all their junk. The task of packing can cause quite a few troubles and result in a bad mood. Since I’m more of a backpacker, I’ll mostly focus on those. So, how to pack your backpack in the most functional way?


Let’s start at the beginning

There’s really no other way than to begin at the bottom. That’s where you put everything you think you’ll need at least up until the moment you arrive at the destination where you can unpack your things at your leisure. A sleeping bag is one such example, if you need it on your trip. But you also have to take into account that heavier items should be packed in the lower half of the backpack, but not be put at the very bottom if you want the backpack to be easier to carry.

Backpack fashion trends

When it comes to clothes, you should only pack what you really need. Though, the problem usually arises when it comes to what’s really important. It’s difficult to use a single formula for this because the situation varies by destination, the intent of your trip and the season. One thing’s certain, though – if the need arises, you can wash your clothes along the way and buy extras as a last resort. I personally really like the capsule wardrobe system – you can mix and match all the clothes you’re going to take with you, but should generally pack some warm, waterproof and daily clothing. I roll up my clothes because I think I can save up much more space by doing that. And my clothes don’t get as wrinkled either. There are plenty of tricks on how to fold your clothes for the optimal use of the space in the backpack, but everyone has to figure it out for themselves which option suits them best.


Smart management of essential items

Small things, such as cosmetics and medicine can be stored in the compartments or special bags for improved orderliness. Documents should also be stored in a special pocket or bag. If you have a passport or an ID card, you should store them separately – if you keep your ID card in your wallet, for example, and then lose the wallet, you’ll at least still have your passport somewhere in your backpack. Unless you’re out of lock and lose both. I also recommend making copies of your passport and ID card and store them in a separate compartment. And if you want to be on the safe side, you can also take photos of both documents and save them on your phone. The same applies to money. Don’t carry all your cash in one place.

Small tricks to save space

If you’re packing extra shoes, you can use store things in them, such as socks or a money bag, and therefore make use of the additional space. This will also help your save some extra space.

If possible, you can wear the heavier pieces of clothing or footwear on your way to your destination, such as on a train or a plane.

Using the “heavy things go at the bottom” principle, it’s only logical that less heavy items should go in the middle and the least heavy ones at the top of your backpack. At the same time, you should always be careful not to put any essential item you’ll need in the near future too close to the bottom of the backpack and to remember where you’ve put it. It also doesn’t hurt to make a quick sketch and notes of approximately where you’ve put everything.


Sustainable tips for carrying food and liquids

Pay attention to liquids and check that the containers are tightly sealed. Plastic toiletry bags that replace the ordinary plastic bags and can be used almost indefinitely are also very handy. Plus, by using them, you also contribute to sustainability. There’s a similar way to store food, too. You can prepare travel food containers and a re-usable water bottle in advance. I prefer to use a metal bottle that’s basically indestructible.

For easier handling of liquids, you can use body wash and shampoo bars instead of the liquid, and there’s also toothpaste available in pills, which also helps you save space. There are many sustainable tricks that might seem complex at first, but then often turn out to be quite simple solutions once you get the hang of that way of life.


The last thing to be ticked off the list

It’s highly recommended to take photos of the backpack and luggage in general before departure. This makes everything easier in case of loss of luggage.

And just as people are different, so are the contents in the backpack. A strategically packed backpack can save you many troubles on your journey, so it’s good to take an extra minute to master the art of packing.

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