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Travelling Tips

Summer is here and every young traveller is planning his trip, whether just for an escape to the seaside or for travelling through Europe or any other continent. Every trip needs to be carefully planned and planning usually starts at home.


Use the Internet

Using the internet is logical for most people as most of the time it all starts there. We can search for the cheapest plain or train ticket there, research which hostel is the closest to city centre or which one is the best for further travelling. Flight check-in is free if you do it on the internet but is usually charged if you do it on the airport. It doesn’t end here though. If you know what you will want to see or visit, you can write down addresses, entrance fees and estimate the price of your trip or see if you will be able to afford the tickets. You can also check if there is a discount with HI card (you can read more about it here). That way, you can save a lot of money or even get in for free. You can also check the discounts online, every discount is listed on the web site. You also must not miss the web sites where you can read opinions of other travellers or you can read a traveller’s blog.

Choose the Hostel Wisely

We all know that hostel is an accommodation that is intended for young travellers and is therefore cheaper than any other accommodation. There are a lot of hostels in almost every city so we can choose it due to our interests. Location is one of the most important things as our travelling through the city depends on it. Will we be able to walk or ride the bus or underground? How far is the hostel from the airport? How far do we have to the nearest store? These are important questions that will save time and money. Many hostels also offer a free breakfast that can save us a lot of money. A bonus are also free towels and bed linen, 24-hour reception and a room for luggage. Hostels that will most certainly not disappoint you have a sign HI. You can read more about choosing a hostel here.

Make a List

How many times did you forget something at home? Yes, I know the answer. You will avoid forgetting something by making a list. In the smartphone ‘’era’’ it is really easy to make a list and even harder to lose it. Start making it a few weeks before the trip and complete it as the trip is coming closer. A passport and its copy, two wallets that are in different bags in case of theft, ear plugs and bus, plain or train tickets should definitely be on the list. Packing with a list will be easier and less stressful.

Get the Discounts with a HI Card

Discounts with a HI card are everywhere, you just have to know about it. Restaurants, galleries, museums and hostels have discounts for those who have HI card. Saving possibilities are everywhere. A lot of cities nowadays also offer free guided tours that are a lot of fun and full of excellent advice.

Meet People

It is true that it is good to be ready but it is not the end of the world if you forget something. Don’t forget that locals are usually nice and that you can find someone to help you if you ask. Smartphones are also a great help but don’t forget that you can find a right way without them too and see something that you wouldn’t see if you wouldn’t get lost. Talk to the locals and you will get experience that you cannot read on the internet or in books – you will feel cities’ culture.
Travelling is something that makes people richer for centuries. You can find many great advice but it is the best to try things from your point of view and get your own experience. Internet is great help while planning a trip but we must not forget to ask for advice people who have visited the places and sometimes to trust your own instinct.

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