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Volunteering for HI Slovenia

I ended up at Hostelling international Slovenia by coincidence. A few years ago, it was a warm summer, everything went wrong for me and my boyfriend. We were pretty unhappy, because we both lost our jobs, we didn't have an apartment and in general we were deeply disappointed by the Slovenian society.

Why become a Volunteer of Hostelling International Slovenia
Back then a friend gave me Anja’s contact who is the right hand of HI Slovenia president and said that I should talk to them, they always need help.
I didn't have anything to lose, so I went to their office – Anja was at first my therapist, listening to everything I had to tell. Then she introduced me to the work at HI Slovenia and possibilities for me, how to get engaged. 
New people, new energy and new assignments filled me up that much, that the world became nicer: soon I got a new job.
I want to introduce you how you can help and become a part of HI Slovenia and what you'll get in exchange for your efforts. And you know – good attracts good.
1. How can you help
Become a travel journalist
HI Slovenia publishes the Web magazine Globetrotter monthly. For sure you already went somewhere abroad and want to tell us your story, your thoughts and share some pictures.
If you rather travel in our beautiful Slovenia, you might contribute an article for the Blog Say HI to Slovenia, which is also run by HI Slovenia.
Help with Social networks
Unfortunately (or luckily) social media is becoming more and more important for the promotion of every company or association. Because new networks are getting more popular, the amount of work to maintain all profiles on all networks is getting bigger. That's why we always need people with passion for this kind of work – if you’re into Twitter, Facebook or other social networks, talk to Anja and you might get the chance to become an admin or promotor of HI Slovenia.
HI Slovenia is often representing itself and its work at different fairs and gathering. There you can help at the stand, give out flyers, promo material or just talk to people, who are interested in HI Slovenia and provide information, they need.
Office work
You can also help in our main office with packing, making badges or something else. The good thing about this is, that often there is a group of volunteers helping, so the work is finished quicker and it's more fun chatting about this and that with other travel-obsessed people.
2. What do you get?
Now you'll probably think, I'll write about self- and inner fulfilment, how you have to give back something to society and how you will feel better. Yes, all this is true, but HI Slovenia is offering you even more.
You can attend free (or for a very low fee) different workshops on different topics, which will bring you new knowledge and fill up your CV.
Sometimes volunteers are sent to conferences abroad – usually the accommodation is covered, and you will get some money back for transport expanses. There you'll represent HI Slovenia, but you will still have enough time to explore.
Free HI membership card
This is the part I like the most – a membership card entitles you to discounts in ALL HI hostels around the world and you will have special entrance prices for museums, galleries, transport etc. all around the world. For more detailed description visit the HI website.
Free PRESS card for journalist
You will get also a free PRESS card, but be sure to know how to use it.
An extra … in your CV
Volunteering looks good in every CV, beside that you will get tons of experience in the field of tourism and NGO.
Interested, but still not quite sure if this is right for you? No worries – first you can sign just a temporary 3-months contract. In this time, you will get to know the work at HI Slovenia and they will see, what your interests are and where you can help. So you will find out if you like it and they will know how much time you can give them.
I can say, I'm happy and proud to be their volunteer. If you want to join me, just send an e-mail to Anja
PS: And keep on travelling.

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