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Edina Makovec & Jan Jurkovič

Volunteers of Hostelling International Slovenia

Everyone has their own story. We started travelling to hear new stories. Our travels have become adventures and we’re learning how to share them with you.

We’re Edina and Jan. We’ve always liked to travel, learn about new cultures, meet new people, and try out new food. Summer work in the USA has completely changed the way we look at out future. Living and working abroad has revealed us stories of people who you would otherwise hardly get to know on a two-week trip. We managed to get a one-year Working Holiday visa for New Zealand, which is also where we currently reside. We’ve been writing a blog since the beginning of 2020 titled Live2Quest, where we share all our gained knowledge as well as all our decisions and mistakes, so you won’t have to go through that yourself. Easily and step by step, we explain how to obtain the Working Holiday visa, how to find a job abroad, how to open a bank account, and how to make all the necessary arrangements. You can also find the itineraries for all our trips and read everything about the one year we spent living in a van, as well as tips on how to make the most of you trip with a minimum amount of money.

All of the previously written articles