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Luka Rakovič

Volunteer of Hostelling International Slovenia

I am Luka Rakovič, a travel enthusiast, born in the quiet town of Hrastnik, which is where my love of finding unique experiences comes from. My perspective on travel is a bit different; for me, they are not only discovering new places, but above all an opportunity to establish deeper contacts between the environment itself and its people. I believe that every place carries its own unique story that is worth exploring. It's not just about visiting tourist attractions, it's about entering the heart of the destination. I believe that the people I meet on my travels are key to understanding a place and its value. Their stories are like a binder that unites the visible and invisible aspects of the journeys themselves.

My passion is to find positive elements in every destination, every person and every meal. I am convinced that travel is an opportunity to exchange cultures, to build bridges between people and to promote mutual understanding regardless of gender, race, age or religion.

It is precisely because of my passion and trust in tourism as an industry that I have been devoting myself to the study of tourism for many years. I want to channel my enthusiasm into a professional field, where I will be able to contribute even more actively to the development of tourism, which will stick to its original principles and inspire the next generations as well. For me, travel is more than just exploring unknown places; it is a way of life that brings invaluable experiences and enriches you on a personal level. I believe that tourism has the power to change the world, and I want to be a part of that change.

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