Mateja Mazgan Senegacnik
Volunteer of Hostelling International Slovenia
Mateja is a globetrotter. Since the last count she has travelled to more than 80 countries. The inspiration for her travels is her grandmother, with whom she experienced her first journey as a primary school pupil. They have already been travelling together for more than fifteen years and have big plans for the future too. All the journeys over the last few years have been organized by themselves and her grandma is now over eighty years old.
Mateja loves unspoiled nature; but at the same time she is a sportswoman, being most enthusiastic about adrenaline sports. She is an active cave rescuer and likes to explore and discover new caves, she climbs, she especially enjoys ice climbing, mountain biking, and backcountry skiing, alpine skiing, snowboarding and diving. In the future she also intends to explore the world by motorcycle, because she is a biker too.
Photography is also her passion. Sometimes she is behind the camera, but sometimes she is in front of the lens of other photographers as a model. The photos are exhibited both at independent exhibitions as well as group exhibitions with the Association of Photography Lovers of Maribor (Društvo ljubiteljev fotografije Maribor), where she is a member. In the last half year she has also joined the Association of Travel Photographers (Društvo popotnih fotografov). She shares her travelling experiences with the Travel Association Vagant (Društvo popotnikov Vagant) and with visitors on numerous travel lectures (already around one hundred have been held), with listeners and viewers of radio and television shows, and she has been a guest at schools a couple of times. She frequently writes and publishes travel articles.
For more than five years she has been employed as an expert advisor for the garden departments of an Austrian trading company, she performs her work in Slovenia and Croatia. She studied tourism at Turistica and landscaping at the High School for Horticulture and Visual Arts (Višja šola za hortikulturo in vizualne umetnosti). She has passed exams for education and adult education study and is about to complete her postgraduate studies in tourism. Beside her work, study, sports activities, photography, plans and travels there is still at least a little time for music, because she plays the flute in two brass bands.
All of the previously written articles