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Interview with Simona and Jure – Part II

How two Slovenians travelled the world
Welcome to the second part of the interview with Simona and Jure. In the first part they were discussing their inspirations, their planning for the trip around the world and how they started to write a blog and "jumping" project. In the second part they shared how they changed while travelling and they also revealed why everyone should travel somewhere at least once in their life. Travelling gives you a new perspective on many things, not only life, but also a way to face challenges in the future.

What was the best food you tried on the road?
Jure: I have three – Camarones Encocado (prawns in coconut sauce) from Galapagos, Ceviche in Columbia on the beach and Masaman Curry in Bangkok. 
Simona: I liked Mango curry in the Perhetian islands in Malaysia the most. And also Tempe Ohor in Bali and soba noodles with tempura in Japan. 
Jure: I almost forgot mango sticky rice!
Simona: Yes, we both loved that dish. 
Who was the one that wanted to try out new things?
Jure: It depends. I was in charge for adventures, but Simona was in charge of the food and getting lost in the streets.
Simona: I tend to remember the roads more!
Jure: We had a very strange encounter with some sharks while swimming somewhere in Thailand and Simona was a bit scared.
Simona: It was the same in Australia, there were many algae on the bottom and then I saw a shark fin. I literally ran out of the water.
You have many incredible memories, some bad, some good. Was there a moment that really inspired you and gave you a will for the future?
Simona: I would say that moment happened in Malaysia in Malaka. We waited for a bus and we grabbed something to eat. All of a sudden one older guy, about 70 years, came to us and helped us with the order. He asked us, if we were Germans, and we started to talk. He told us he is a huge fan of Strauss and if we ever visited Salzburg. We told him about the new year concert in Vienna that happens each year, where they play Strauss and he was so happy he ran to the radio and started to play his music. So we sat in the restaurant and ate the food while listening to Strauss. It was really a nice feeling.
Jure: We also taught a guy Slovenian language on the bus in Ecuador and he was so happy!
Simona: There was also one lady in Japan that saw we had some problems with navigation - we tried to find a soy sauce company. She gave us a lift in her car. 
Jure: Sometimes when you travel, there are moments when you are cranky, but then this happens and you start to believe in humanity again.
Simona: In Bangkok we were caught by a storm and we had to wait under a very small roof. One lady waved at us and offered us shelter in her own home and even gave us some sweets and towels. 
Is there a place on the earth that you don`t want to visit?
Jure: I would not go to L.A. again or to Bolivia. And Jakarta as well.
Simona: I would choose Somalia.
After everything you saw and all the seven facts you stated for a lot of countries, what would be the seven facts about Slovenia, now that you are back?
Simona: Haha, that it is incredibly green.
Jure: It is hard to look at Slovenia with the eyes of a tourist, that is the problem! 
Simona: It is small and diverse, people are very nice but they complain a lot. Huh, these are only three? We need to think about that!
Jure: A country where everything feels like home and it is easy to get around.
Simona: "Easy to travel" destination.
Jure: I think the accommodation in Slovenia is the best, because they offer by far the best breakfasts we ever had. And we have the most beautiful river in the world - Soča. 
Simona: We invited so many friends to come for a visit, and they will occupy Slovenia soon! (laught).
What was the best adventure you experienced?
Jure: We drove with motorbikes a lot. We also met some nice British people that we later met in Laos and in Philippines, when I had a birthday.
Simona: For me, the best adventure was 6 days of camping from Ali Springs to Adeline in the Australian dessert.
Jure: And Maya electronics festival in Thailand, among local people.
Simona: Once in Brazil we went home alone with a metro from Marakan. It was very interesting and bizarre.
Jure: When we were in Medellin in Columbia we didn`t know criminal was still such a major issue there - especially murders per year. We felt so good there. Sometimes it is better not to know. 
Where was the most beautiful sunset?
Jure: Bali
Simona: Uluru
Jure: Thailand - West coast - no matter where you are.
Where did you meet the nicest people?
Simona: Japan, Thailand, Laos, Asia in general. Japanese are extremely nice and very respectful.
Jure: True, we went to a shop to buy some things and they said thank you with eight sentences. It was a bit funny.
Did you learn to say hello in all the languages?
Jure: We did, but we forgot a lot.
Simona: Everywhere we went we tried to learn at least "hello" and "thank you".
What is your advice for people that want to travel the world, like you did?
Jure: Go, it goes by so fast!
Simona: Yes, it does. Everything went by too fast. If you want to experience many things it is good you have some savings. We would be able to do what we did if Jure wouldn`t have a monthly income. But maybe we would just choose Asia, since it is cheaper. There is always a way, and the most important thing is you go and widen the horizons. Better to do it now, you never know when you will have another chance.
What did you learn about yourself when you returned from the trip?
Simona: I learned I want to change the job. I want a job that allows me to travel and is flexible with the location.
Jure: That we are very physically and psychologically fit. And if I am hungry, feeling hot and tired - it is a recipe for a disaster!
Simona: And that after 30 we became a bit more selective when it comes to accommodation. When it comes to public toilets, I prefer squat toilet. They are much more clean!
What was the best advice you received while traveling?
Jure: In South America - "don`t go there, they will kill you!" (laughter)
About Jure and Simona:
Simona from Maribor and Jure from Cerkvenjak live in Graz, Austria. From September 2015 until July 2016 they visited 22 countries and travelled around the world. You can read more about their adventures on their blog sLOVEnians Travel or visit their Facebook and Instagram page where they post photos from their amazing trip.

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