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Our traveler Dušan

Dušan started traveling early in life, as soon as he got out of elementary school. He got an opportunity for a summer job and that's when he started making his first buck. The money was used to – what else, right – individually travel around the world.

How do you see your travelling beginnings?
Dušan: »When I started going to school I got interested in the world outside, the life of people and so on. I loved exploring maps and finding out about capital cities of countries that are near and far. This was a clear indicator that I want to get to know the world. At the age of eleven I joined the scouts in Slovenska Bistrica and we were going for camping and winter trips abroad... I also remember the first individual travel, when I filled my backpack and headed for Sicily. I knew travel fulfils me and gives me knowledge no school can give me. And traveling is still an important part of me, something I cannot stop. The people who travel will understand what the world has to offer and who the people living in different cultures are and have to offer.«

Some time ago Dušan combined travel with work. Today he only travels privetly. He knows there's a huge difference between both ways of travel. Having a backpack on your back and enjoy spontaneity of the moment is one of the best things in live.

Do you wish you can make a living travelling?
Dušan: »In the future I want to live by travelling and always do things that make me happy, offer my experience to other people, who can't or don't dare to go to places on the other side of the globe. My travels gave ne directions on what to study. There was no question if I'd study tourism or not.  When I'm a father one day, I'll be glad if my children get to see half of what I've seen thus far." 

How long are your travels, usually?
Dušan: »When I take a longer trip, far from our beautiful Slovenia, it's never less than 3 months. When I started, I always felt I should go far away. With time I've changed my mind. I love to explore the homeland and take weekend trips to parts I haven't been to yet. I think that even though our land is small, we don't know it well enough. There's always something new to discover and I love taking side roads taking me to the countryside away from the busy cities and towns. «

He's been to some 60 countries around the globe, but doesn't think the number says anything about the trips themselves or what he'd learned. Many ask him, which place was the most beautiful, but it's hard to say as each place is special in its own right. But somehow Mongolia stands out from the rest. But mostly he remembers the people on his travels, the ones he meets and spends time with. He enjoys each travel, no matter if it's the neighbouring Hungary or far away Japan.

Why Mongolia?
Dušan: »I've always been attracted by it, as it’s the place where nomads still live and travel with their life stalk, following the greener pastures. Someday I'll visit Mongolia, the land of the great conqueror Genghis Khan. I wanted to go many times, but every time I searched for plane tickets, I found a great deal to someplace else, so I went there instead.«

Do you ever make money off your travels?
Dušan: »I've started by writing travel journals and giving lectures around Slovenia. I also have my travel site You can get to know more about me and my travels there. It's hard to get by just by writing and giving lectures these days. I use any opportunity for making more money to get new plane fares to go someplace.«

Do you usually travel alone?
Dušan: »Usually I travel alone as it's the easiest way to do what I want. But I've travelled in a group as well. I've found out it's not for me, as there are always arguments between travellers. But many times I was with a companion. My last trips to Myanmar and Iran were together with my friend Simon. We're good traveling buddies, as we never have quarrels. Anywhere I've been to I've also met fellow travellers from all over the globe and often went a part of the way with them. So basically, you never travel alone.«

Were there any bad experiences?
Dušan: »When travelling you must always be careful as unpleasant things can happen. When you're in different places and cultures the colour of your skin can be enough for some people to want to take something from you. In my 20 years of travelling, thought, there was only one really bad thing that happened due to my naivety. It happened in Rabat in Morocco on the city beach, when I went swimming and found out somebody stole my camera. I went to the police station, to make a report, but that was about it and I never got the camera back. So you always need to keep your things safe, especially documents, cash and credit cards. It's also good to have all the documents scanned and sent somewhere on the e-mail, so you can easily prove your identity if anything happens. «

Do you ever do sports on your travels as well?
Dušan: »If there's a chance, I love getting active. I've loved sports since childhood. I love getting a bicycle, try some adrenalin things like rafting, but also love to swim and try out other sports the place has to offer. Traveling must be as full of an adventure for me as possible. Otherwise I'm just not using my time fully enough and it's exploring new things that make travel really interesting.«

Apart from Mongolia Dušan would also like to travel to Madagascar, Bolivia, South Korea… and many other places as you really don't run out of ideas where to travel … you just run out of time to go to all the places. He'd also like to revisit some of the places he's visited before, like Iran. He met many people there and keeps in touch. For Dušan Iran is one of the lands with most welcoming people in the world.

Dušan travels with the heart and soul. The best thing he can experience is to get to meet new people and learn about their cultures. He accepts them just the way they are and that's why he enjoys making contacts with foreign cultures so much more.

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