Travelling and taking photos often go hand in hand. Searching for a perfect picture is every photographer’s dream. Hostelling International Slovenia wants to support and encourage your photographic skills, so we prepared a photographic competition, where you have a chance to show your talent. We are giving you a chance to brighten our website with your photographs. The theme of the competition is SUNSET AT SEA.
The prize-winner is:
Katja Kern
Go to the seaside, take some nice photograph with the sea and the sun or browse through your already taken photographs and collect the most beautiful ones. You finally have a chance to put all your photos in order. Choose the photos that will bring you a prize.
The prize is amazing. You can get two-day accommodation for you and your guest in Hostel Histria, close to Koper’s city centre and to the seaside. That means that winning the competition will get you even more chances to see more sunsets and to listen to the sea. It will be romantic and inspiring.
All you have to do is to send up to three photographs to 31 August 2018. Pictures will be judged in two parts. In the first part, people will get a chance to grade the photos on the website from 1 to 5. When the competition ends, people will be able to grade the photos for 5 more days. Then, the jury will organize and choose 30 photos, based on its rating. Each author can participate with only one photo in the second part of the competition. If the first 30 photos will include more than one photo from one author, the jury will select the best rated photograph. Up to 10 authors will be competing for the final prize in the second part of the competition. Jury will consist of four people and will rate the photos from 1 to 10 and choose the best one. The prize will be presented after announcing the winner. Good luck!
David Velkavrh
Barbariga (Hrvaška), 2018
Od rumenega do oranžnega in rdečega odtenka. Ko Sonce se potaplja, jadrnica nadaljuje. Ostaja na poti, kjer jo bo vodila svetloba, ki se ne bo ustavila, in zato tudi barka jader ne bo nikdar spustila.
Primož Lampič
Trajektna luka Prizna in Otok Pag, Hrvaška, 2018
Tik pred sončnim zahodom se je značilna siva kamnita pokrajina Otoka Paga obarvala rdeče, da izgleda kakor Mars ali Grand Canyon. Nizko sonce je prikazalo hribčke in doline otoka, beli trajekt pa pušča sled po modrem morju.
Primož Lampič
Šimuni, Otok Pag, Hrvaška, 2018
Ob poletnem večeru se je podoba pomola in velikih skal valobrana, ki se ozko zajeda globoko v morje, lepo izrisala na zlato-oranžnem ozadju sončnega zahoda. Podobo popestrijo silhuete oseb, otrok, ki se igrajo med skalami pomola.
Primož Lampič
Šimuni, Otok Pag, Hrvaška, 2018
Na večernem sprehodu ob obali kampa se je, v močno oranžnem sončnem zahodu, lepo izrisala podoba sončnika iz slame, medtem, ko so nebo popestrile ovčice. Za dinamiko na sliki je poskrbel igrivi otrok, ki se je pripodil mimo.