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Small Dilemmas of Great Travellers

Travel or not travel? On this rhetorical question the answer is clear. However, before you actually hit the road, dilemmas often occur. At first glance they may not be as big as it seems, but on the way it can prove otherwise. So here are some common questions that have to be answered before you are thousands kilometers away from home when it is too late to realize that you made a mistake.


Solo, with friends or acquaintances?

The decision about the destination of travel, often decide with whom we will share our adventures. But it's not always that easy. Large group of people means a lot of opinions, preferences and priorities, which are difficult to reconcile. People are different, what can often only enrich the journey. However, in some cases it can make it more difficult. "I'm not going to this restaurant because they do not have pizza," "this place is awful, let’s go elsewhere," "I will not sleep in that hostel," and similar statements can be a thorn in the flesh of other passengers. It is sufficient to find only one person who thwarts plans. But in the end what remains are only good memories, bad come to light only when we plan the next trip and certainly that person will not be welcome anymore. Another thing is a journey for two people. From my own experience I can say that this kind of spending time together is a great experience, which shows whether the man and woman are made for each other or is it better for them to continue the life journey with other partner. Many people decide to go abroad solo. Also, these decisions have negative and positive consequences. Certainly there is no traveler who is not faced with loneliness and homesickness. But surely solo traveler does not have to adjust; he is the ruler of his time and space. And that is a big advantage. If this kind of trip is not for you, but you do not have a suitable companion, check out the various forums where many people look company for their journey. In short, consider the pros and cons, you can even make the list, or chat with potential companions about desires and intentions. Thus, the decision will fall much easier.

Backpack vs. suitcase

It may seem funny, but it can be a big problem if you find yourself with a suitcase in the desert or you defer to the island during high tide when the sea submerged the only way and you have no other choice but to put a suitcase on your head on and try to imitate the skilled African women with the load on the head. If you are in a dilemma where to pack up your things ask yourself: Am I heading to the cities? Will I attend the organized tours? Will I mostly use taxis, trains and buses? Will I visit the more developed parts of the world? If you have answered those questions with yes, then you should take a suitcase. If you are going camping in the desert, on the snow, on a hike to the mountains or anywhere in the wilderness, I would recommend a backpack. Also, the backpack is a much better choice than a suitcase when traveling in Asia during the monsoon.

Dollars, euros, checks, cards... ?

Which currency to take? Should I take traveler's checks or credit card? Some advice about money saving has already been presented in the previous issue of Globetrotter, here I note only that if you go to a country where are not many tourist, check which currency they take, so you may change it in their money. Burma for example, accepts only U.S. dollars released in a given year and only special numbered dollars. If you are on a small island, I recommend you to check if there are any ATM machines. It may happen that you run out of money and you are trapped on island. In the case of theft anywhere in the world the solution is still, though somewhat expensive, Western Union.

Travel on your own vs. Arranged tours

Backpackers are in adventure tours, which of course are not pre-organized. For me there is nothing worse than the guided tour in biggest heat. There can be interesting historical remains, but because of unbearable heat you can think only on cold drink in the shade. Therefore travelling on your own has great advantages, but takes a lot of amenities. However, sometimes you really need a guided tour. You have to check if there is any public transport, how it is with hitchhike and similar things. Furthermore, it is not smart to crawl in the jungle by yourself because of poisonous snakes and other animals (unless you are brave enough and trained to survive in the wild). Even trekking with larger group can be a lot cheaper than organizing your own hike.

Overland Transportation vs. Air travel

Especially if we travel from one country to another, we often travel by land (train, bus), because this possibility seems more affordable. But today there are so many low-cost airlines, both in Asia, Europe and the U.S.A; it is smart to check the offers and the prices of flights. So you can save some time by travelling by air and it can even be very cheap. Nevertheless, it is true that a long train journey bring many new experiences that may be more valuable than saving time. Through the dirty train window it is possible to see the changing landscape, meet new people and make new friends. Those are also benefits if travelling by the rushing train carriages. I forget to mention that you are much more nature friendly, if you choose the train. 

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