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Satisfaction of guests in hostel

Satisfaction of guests has major importance

Satisfaction of guests is a key element, that influences certain hotels or hostels on successfulness and positive or negative perception. Expectations of the guest, before he decides for accomoditation, play an important part at achieving satisfaction and evaluation of services. These expectations can be based on last experiences or even on opinions of others. Satisfaction of the guests must be monitored regularly, as only like this responsivity on definite needs, wishes, complaints or proposals for improvements can be ensured in time. Hostels and hotels can use different methods in measuring guests satisfaction. The most popular are a system or a book of complaints and praises  and a survey on satisfaction of the guests with the services, which is filled out by the guests before leaving, when they are full of positive or negative impressions.

In June 2012 also MC hostel Brežice introduced a survey of satisfaction, where guests can assess our hotel services and that's how we determine our advantages and deficiencies on which we must still build on. All guests are unfortunately not prepared to express their  opinion, therefore we can't claim, that the gained results from surveys are representative for all our guests. Some of the guests  have a bigger pleasure to write down their impressions directly in the book of praises and of complaints.With the help of the survey we found out the most frequent way how the guests heard for us and their most frequent way of room reservation. More than half of the guests reserves their rooms via internet through tourist web portals or directly through our official web page.

MC hostel Brežice offers three types of rooms: 6-bed, 2-bed and suite. The most guests choose 6-bed rooms, which is very common in case of accommodation of larger groups of friends or in a frame of some organizations. The mentioned room is also the most favourable, which is sometimes the key factor in the choice of the room. Equaly interesting is also the 2-bed room, for which many young couples or people, that need accommodation only for oneself, decide.

Hostels are appropriate for individuals as also for larger groups or companies. Results of the survey indicated , that 30 % of the guests, that filled in the survey, spent the night at our hostel in the company of their partners, 17 % with friends and an equal percent with school or certain association.

The most important questions of the survey refer to assessing of our hotel services and recomendations for improvements and commentaries, where we distinguish ourselves. We were really cheered up by the result, that our guests, that filled in the survey, were very satisfied with the personnel in our hostel, because 95 % of the guests evaluated friendliness of our personnel in the  hostel with the highest assessment. We will have to improve the alone process of registration of the guests at the arrival, that it will be more favourable and quicker for the guest , as undesirable impatience of the guests is initiated quickly at larger groups, as they would like as soon as possible to their assigned rooms, that they get a rest. Hugh importance has maintaining the level of cleanliness, because this issue can influence if  the guest will feel comfortable and  safe. We can boast , that we have an extraordinarily clean and tidy hostel, because almost 95 % of guests awarded us with the highest assessment for cleanliness.

In MC hostel Brežice we are trying  to offer our guests an extremely pleasant residence, where they can relax and of course also return with joy or recommend us.

Therefore we politely invite you to our places, that also you will be able to pass your assessment or write down your impressions to the book of complaints and praises.

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