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What Life Abroad has Taught Me

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I always had this urge in me to travel. To get away from home and discover the unknown. And the best way for me to do so was to spend a longer period in one destination. I did that for the second time in my life, and I have to say, it was quite a journey both times. Seven years ago, I spent a year of high school in Catalonia, living with a Spanish family, and now, with the help of the Erasmus+ program, I completed a part of my studies in the north of Portugal. Thanks to this time abroad, I grew so much and learned some important lessons.


I absolutely adore Slovenia and its nature between the mountain peaks and valleys shaped by rivers. However, I have never felt I really belong here. I always felt like there's something missing, and with travels, this void seemed to be fulfilled somehow. There's something so indescribably amazing in discovering new places and seeing how others live. It fills my heart with faith when I meet all these inspiring people, each following their unique path.

I believe there's still so much for me to learn. Nevertheless, here are some lessons I have learned while traveling and living abroad.

You have to spend time alone

One thing is for sure, while traveling, you are never really alone. However, knowing how to spend time on your own is essential to stay calm in difficult situations. It's important to know you can rely on yourself and your own abilities to survive in the world. And if you're anything like me, you know how great it is to do something just for yourself from time to time. I think if you truly want to enjoy the time spent with people, you need to know how to enjoy time with yourself first.


Have no expectations

Before embarking on a trip, we tend to research the destination we are headed to. We build up all these expectations about our journey and can later feel disappointed if we don't achieve all the goals we've set. That's why it can be better to let yourself be surprised and not know ''too much'' about the place we're travelling to. Sometimes the most unexpected things happen, and it's best we welcome them with open arms. We expect nothing, so we are prepared for everything. Usually, the best plan really is no plan at all. I have noticed so many amazing moments when I have simply let go. Let the plan go its own way. We tend to focus on what we want too much and are too blind to see what we already have.

Stay present

One of the lessons I try to live by is to stay present. I try not to analyze the past and worry too much about the future. I've noticed that whenever I start worrying about things I can't influence, my mood changes, and I can't seem to find the energy to do even the things I love. With the help of yoga, meditation, or just spending some time in nature, I learned how to return to the present. When I try to enjoy every moment as it is, I become more aware of my surroundings. I feel more gratitude towards life, nature, and the ability to do what I like the most. Living in the present moment has taught me to trust my intuition and go after what feels right.


You can't run away from your problems

Moving abroad and travelling can often feel like running away, either from some bad relationships, worries, or expectations. It's hard to keep up with the lives of your loved ones and closest ones while being away for so long. However, insecurities and worries always seem to follow you wherever you go. I picture this as patterns in our lives that keep repeating until we solve them. Allowing yourself some distance of course is nice, but you can't run away from your problems at home. Sooner or later, you will have to face them.

Technology is your best friend and your worst enemy

Over the past few years, travelling has become more accessible thanks to the development of all these digital tools. You can find so many great deals and advice on the internet that it's almost impossible to resist the urge to travel. One of the tools I use quite often is Rome2Rio, which always gives me an idea of travel options to a place I want to visit. When booking a stay in HI hostels, I use a 10% discount, and the same goes for booking activities via GetYourGuide.

Regardless of all the benefits digitalization has brought, I have noticed that people can be hung up on technology a bit too much (including me sometimes). With this in mind, I have started putting my phone down more often and just observing the atmosphere of the place I'm visiting. Instead of taking millions of photos, I just stand still and observe my surroundings. I recommend you try the same. Disconnect from your digital devices and stay present. You could be surprised how many amazing moments we miss just because we're too busy being in our digital worlds.


Don't be afraid to live differently

Another thing that travelling made me realize is that what might seem unusual in Slovenia can be completely normal in different parts of the world. Being stuck in one place your whole life can limit your mind from being open to new experiences. We often give too much importance to what others might think and limit ourselves because of society's expectations. However, life abroad introduced me to so many people with different lifestyles that helped me realize I really can do whatever I want. I've come to a conclusion that life is so beautifully simple, but we're the ones who complicate it so much. We shouldn't be afraid to take all the chances we get. Nowadays, there really is no right time frame that we should follow. Everything comes at exactly the right time.

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