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Small tips for saving on trip

It is all about the money even when it comes to travel. However, the best things in life are free, but if you want to taste it outside your homeland, we are back to money. If we are not independently rich, we can only helplessly sit and watch the slow obliteration of our savings account as we travel. The best way to combat this problem is well prepared budget, which you can set while checking the standard of living of the country you wish to visit. On net and in countless guidebooks there is some idea of prices for accommodation, transportation, and food and that is how it is easier to determine approximately how much money we need for low, medium or high standard of your travelling days. Even more important is the discipline, stick to it like glue. Here are some tips on how to avoid the pitfalls that can cross your plans.


ATM machine

When coming in foreign country you always bring some money that on long journeys certainly run out. Moreover, everywhere you find people who live at the expense of others by stealing, and if, unfortunately, you are their target, do not let them to take all your savings. So, ATM withdrawals are inevitable, but when checking fees, it seems as if the existence of a bank depends on cash withdrawals in foreign countries. Yes, the banks take advantage of travelers, and there is not much you can do about it. Fees vary depending on card type, currency and country in which you withdraw. Best choice is the BA (Maestro) card, more expensive are credit cards (within the EU of around half a euro for a withdrawal, outside the EU up to 12 euros). A better way to save is to use a card for major purchases. Withdrawals at the ATM can be reduced to a minimum so as to raise the maximum amount. With this you will spend some time without an ATM and currency exchange visits, of course, if you do not cause a total disaster by losing it.

Exchange office

Yes, well at exchange offices you can get screwed on a currency exchange rate. Exchange rates vary by location, so it is wise to check where the best bargain is. Airports are not the best place to change money in local currency, in addition, check local currency and fees before you enter the exchange office.

Being taking advantage of

Places you visit first time, especially outside major urban centers, we are particularly vulnerable to money loss simply because of our lack of knowledge. Well-trained, friendly and polite scammers quickly identify travelers who need help. Naturally, their services are not free. Equipped with knowledge, you can avoid them and fees for their services. With just one eye contact you open the door to their beautiful, best, cheapest things that you need at this right moment. So it is best to avoid eye contact, but they approach, just walk away.


For many taxi drivers, tourists are like moving dollar signs. Do not be the one that will be taken advantage of and pay double or even triple. So never let that the driver hastle you into a taxi without a previously negotiated price. Always make sure that the cab is licensed, even better if it has taximeter. Taxi is one of the more expensive means of transports; so if possible, find an alternative (bus, metro, stop ...).


I myself am among those who simply cannot resist buying various gifts. I always get some piece of clothing or shoes from abroad, of course, for myself. However, if you are traveling with a backpack and move a lot, the rational choice would be, not to shop a lot as every kilo counts when on your shoulders. In addition, only towards the end you see how much money is left in a wallet for souvenirs, etc… And just because you're far from home does not mean the purchases should not be prudent. Look around a little ask for prices, select the cheapest and bargain! The same applies to tourist boats, gondola, cable cars, towers etc. Give yourself a set number of tours/entry fees as even if the prices are low, these things add up.

Food and drink

Dining in a restaurant every day can present problems to your budget. Be aware that you pay the food and also someone to bring it to you. Here and there you can enjoy a supermarket picnic or become a street gourmet (knife in a pocket is always handy), also tends to be special, but a lot cheaper experience. And a little tip: if there is a menu in English (next to local language), you pay more for lunch than you probably should.

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