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EU meeting on social tourism


CalypsoIgor Jurišič, President of HI Slovenia and member of the HI Board of Trustees, is one of the speakers at a meeting on social tourism in Rome, organised by the European Commission.

In 2009, a preparatory action on social tourism in Europe was launched under the name CALYPSO. The EU project is specifically targeted at senior citizens, young people, disabled citizens and families facing difficult social circumstances. The main objective is to catalogue best practices as a means to encourage tourism activity, particularly during the off peak season, thus generating employment opportunities when tourism demand is traditionally low.

On 2–3 March, a Calypso Awareness Building Meeting was held in Rome. Youth hostels are an important segment of the projects, largely thanks to EUFED, and Igor Jurišič was invited as a recognised expert to be one of the 15 speakers at the event.

To find out more about Calypso, click here .

To view Igor’s presentation, click here .

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