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A Hostel with a view of a Volcano – Costa Rica

Costa Rica is one of the most developed countries of Middle America. Unfortunately that makes prices quite developed as well, but it’s still worth a visit, for the country boasts with beautiful nature, high mountains and long beaches. And, travelling around this country is still much cheaper that in Europe. The cheapest board you can find would be in cheap hotels usually for locals. Similar prices are in Youth Hostels, of which only three are a part of the HI network.


From thermal springs to adrenalin theme parks

I found one of the above mentioned (HI Youth Hostels) near La Fortuna. At Jardines Arenal Hostel there are ten different sized rooms. The most attractive are the ones with the view of the pointy top of the Arenal volcano, from which lava flows quite frequently. I had no such luck, for the volcano was inactive for a few weeks, at the time of my stay... or maybe I still was lucky, because years ago an eruption resulted in loss of human lives.

The rooms are neat and conditioned, but you don’t really need the AC. Despite the tropical climate, the high altitude freshens the air enough and it suffices to open a window and the room is cooled down. The huge open terrace is a place for socializing and also offers a free internet connection. You can also have your breakfast (included in the price) out here. Preparing breakfast is a task that Hernan Blanco, hostel owner, likes to take upon himself. Besides the hostel he also cares of a giant cattle herd, but still finds time to chatter away with the guests. Hernan is always open for conversation and also likes to travel himself. Mostly he’s travelling around Costa Rica, for he has four children at home and cannot just simply go on a longer journey with them.
Hernan knows the local area extremely well. He works in tourism for a long time now and knows many attractions around La Fortuna. He got us a few bargains for us, to visit various thermal springs, offered volcano tours and an expedition into the rainforest, but we could also decide to go rafting or visit one of the parks – nature parks or adrenalin parks.

Hanging around with a sloth

Although the hostel is a few kilometers from the rainforest, you still get to see many interesting animals here. There were always tropical birds, flying over the well kept garden. If lucky you can even see the strong beaked toucan. And you are definitely likely to see a sloth, for it eats only some tree leaves, of which there are some in the garden. They are active during the night, for during the day they sleep, hanging on the high branches. The one that regularly visits Hernan’s garden also crosses the road, to get to the leaves on the other side. So far nothing ran him over, probably because he crosses the road at night.

Hernan says you can get to see some poisonous snakes on the local fields, thus local farmers wear high rubber boots. There are anti-venoms if you get bitten, but it’s definitely smarter to be prepared and wear high hiking boots before going trekking. Animal lovers should also visit the Danaus game reserve, only a mile or so away. You get to see animals here, you’d otherwise miss. There are mostly frogs there, for which the guides know, where they usually reside. You can see the cute ones there, little green with red eyes. There’s also a butterfly house in the park and you can get to know the plant life, including numerous healthy herbs and orchids.

Culinary temptations

For lunch or dinner you should go to the nearby La Fortuna, with many restaurants fitting every taste and valet.  Daily offers are usually around 3€ and consist of a typical local food casado, made up from rice, beans, lettuce, bananas and meat. The meat can be pork, beef, chicken or fish. Beans and rice are usually side dishes to most things on the menu – a very popular dish (gallo pinto) is a mixture of both. Naturally you can not only eat, you need to drink as well. A very popular is the Imperial beer, but I suggest you try the freshly squeezed tropical fruit juices. Depending on the season, you can get mango, pineapple, papaya, guayaba and many more.

La Fortuna is less than 100 miles from the capital San Jose, with the international airport. Bus fare is cheap, but slow, for it takes the bus three hours to get there. That’s due to numerous bends and stops. Many tourists decide on private transport instead, but it’s several times more expensive. You can also rent a car, but that only makes sense if there are several people sharing the costs. You can pay in $US, but for smaller purchases you should have some of the local currency (cologne) with you. You can communicate in English, but outside of larger tourist areas I’d suggest you know at least the basics of Spanish.

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