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Hostel Tresor opened its doors!


On the 1st of March on Čop Street in Ljubljana, the big and mighty hostel Tresor welcomed its first guests.

On Friday, March 8th, only a week after its opening, hostel Tresor hosted a unique celebration on Čop street (Čopova ulica), where it is located. From the offices of a former bank a new and spacious hostel with a concept came to life. The strict offices were transformed into a new and lively hostel. The area of the unique suspended vault in the basement area became the breakfast area and the common room. The internet is accessible throughout the hostel, all rooms have air-conditioning and electronic locks and in addition, each room is named after a world currency. Hostel Tresor lives and breathes with the city of Ljubljana and as a good host, wishes its guests maximum comfort, hospitality and many uplifting experiences, which they will take with them into the world.   

The hostel is intended for individuals and groups and is an excellent gathering point for meetings, education and chats. On Thursday, March 7th, one such event was hosted for the representatives of Slovenia’s hostels. A seminar was held by an internationally renowned expert in the field of hostel quality management, namely Jurgen Gross, who stated: "Quality is breathtaking because of its simplicity, touching and lasting appearance. Quality is the only you will remember and tell others if it hits you. The idea is to connect the beauty of products with the emotion of excellent services that are affordable, if you wish to be successful. The stylish new Tresor HI hostel at Ljubljana is one of those exceptional well thought through concepts with all ingredients in place for a bright future: a wonderful historical building, a modern interior, a touching service and a affordable price! "

Tresor aims at being as connected as possible with the urban youth, accepting their interests and adjusting to them. For that reason it has been active on numerous social networks since day one, regularly posting on new events and opportunities in their own facilities, in Ljubljana and Slovenia in general. From the beginning the hostel has been a part of the Hostelling International association, since it strives to support good and creative ideas of young people and at presenting them in their facilities. It is no coincidence that the opening festivities were placed on the street, where, with the help of guest speaker Mr. Zoran Jankovič, the mayor of the Ljubljana municipality, the visitors were served cake and entertained by the excellent music provided by radio Terminal. Among the guests was also Igor Jurišič, the president of Hostelling International Slovenia (Popotniško združenje Slovenije), who commented on hostel Tresor: “From this day on Hostelling International and Slovenia are richer by a Youth Hostel located in the strict center of the capital city that provides a first-rate starting point for exploring Slovenia. Because of the location and original idea behind the hostel, Tresor will surely become a magnet for guests from all over the world and will so contribute to Ljubljana’s recognition as a destination for young travelers. I wish the Youth Hostel Tresor to have a successful enterprise and guests from many different countries, who will spread the good word about Youth Hostel Tresor, Ljubljana and Slovenia to the world.”

The impressions from the opening party are available on Facebook pages:    
Mateja Koren, vodja hostla Tresor

Youth Hostel Tresor
Čopova 38
1000 Ljubljana
+386 (0)1 200 90 69

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