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Volunteering While Travelling

Why not trade a typical tourist trip for a long-term opportunity to help the local community, learn something useful, and pay nothing for accommodation? In this article, I will present the benefits of volunteering while travelling and the different options you can find online.


Travelling as a volunteer offers a special view of the world. While you are exploring your destination, you can stop for a while, find someone who needs your help and get the following things in return:

1. Free food and a place to stay

One of the most appealing aspects of volunteering while travelling is that you can stay longer at your desired destination without draining your bank account. Hosts always offers a free place to stay as a thank you for your work, and most of them include at least one meal.


2. Learning new skills

Volunteering abroad is an experience that gives you the chance to develop both personally and professionally. Whether you teach English in a remote village, build sustainable infrastructure, or care for rescued animals, each experience teaches you unique skills. You can learn effective communication, problem-solving and cultural adaptability.

3. The feeling when you do good

Contributing to a goal can bring a deep sense of satisfaction. By volunteering, you can focus your energy on meaningful projects, leaving a positive impact on the community in need. You can help to preserve the environment or help deal with the effects of natural disasters. The internal reward of knowing you have made a difference is incomparable. The joy of helping others is a motivation that can change your view of the world.


4. Expanding your worldview

As a volunteer, you will learn about many different cultures, views, and lifestyles on your trip. The world becomes a classroom, and every interaction is an opportunity to broaden your understanding of humanity. In particular, cooperation with locals and other volunteers contributes to this rich experience. In doing so, prejudice is challenged, and a global mindset is fostered.

5. Fun and new friends

Living and working together with like-minded individuals creates a bond that can last a lifetime. While volunteering, you can meet people who become your friends. Some even decide to continue their journey together.


If these benefits have convinced you to volunteer while travelling, the next question is: where can I find such opportunities? There are several websites for this, such as Workaway, HelpX and WWOOF, and many more can be found online. Workaway brings together different opportunities where everyone can choose what they enjoy the most. This could be, for example:

  • Working in a hostel

Working in a hostel can be a lot of fun if you are interested in socialising with other backpackers. In a hostel, you can usually help out at the bar, at breakfast, at reception or with cleaning. The work is not difficult and only takes a couple of hours a day. The rest of the time can be used to make new friends and explore the place you are in.


  • Working with animals

For animal lovers, there are many opportunities to work with large and small creatures. You can walk and take care of puppies, or help out at an elephant shelter. This can have a positive impact on the lives of various animals, and the opportunity is useful and unforgettable.

  • Working with children

If you are interested in education and childcare, Workaway offers housing in schools, orphanages, and community centres around the world, or you can join a family in their home. You can teach languages or organise various workshops.


  • Work on a farm

On farms, you can experience the charm of rural life by volunteering. Tasks may include planting crops, caring for animals, or helping with sustainable practices. This in-depth experience not only connects you to the land, but also gives you an insight into the challenges and benefits of farming life.

  • Working in cafés

Workaway offers job opportunities in bars, cafés, and restaurants. This may include cooking or serving and helping with customer service. It is a great way to improve your hospitality skills while enjoying the local cuisine and nightlife.


As you make your way through a wide range of opportunities, keep in mind that the platform is not just about work, but personal growth and cultural exchange. Even if you do not get money for the work done, you get things that are much more valuable. You should also not be discouraged by the annual payment for using the website, as it is an excellent investment, which in the end more than pays off. Travel with a purpose and let the power of voluntary travel shape your worldview.

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