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A competition in the field of tourism in Slovenia!


To raise the quality of life for Slovenian people and tourists, help sustainable development in a neat and healthy environment, improved tourist attraction of Slovenian cities and villages, better promoting the country and its tourism and raising ecological awareness among people; the Tourist association of Slovenia organized the already 19th competition in neatness of Slovenian towns under the slogan My country – beautiful and hospitable. Through this action the association, already in 2006, joined the world wide project Clean up the World through this.

The project My country – beautiful and hospitable promotes cooperation among the population in order to protect, preserve and manage the natural and cultural heritage through tourism. The project is an important component of managing a tourist destination as a whole, as well as a part of an integrated tourist product.
The content of the competition is the neatness of the town as a unit, as well as just certain parts and objects offering tourist services, quality of life for local population and guests, preservation of natural and cultural heritage and hospitality. Streets and squares, objects of various activities, green areas and cultivated flowers, care for the tourist infrastructure, communal waste and heritage, as well as much more, has been evaluated.

In two categories the youth hostels have also been evaluated.

In the category of an Individual youth hostel the prize for the first place was given to the “Youth Hostel pod Voglom”, that also received a special appreciation from the Popotniško združenje Slovenije. “Youth Hostel pod Voglom” is an excellent representative of ideas and vies the International Hosteling Network promotes and is among the best youth hostels not only in Slovenia, but in the larger Central European region, and is the first Slovenian hostel that will upgrade its ratings as a part of the "HI-Q" quality program.

Trying to enter top three among the hostels and boards, which function as a part of a hotel or a dormitory several other hostels competed.
- The winner was Youth Hostel DIC Ljubljana, as part of a high school dormitory, which is the biggest Slovenian seasonal hostel, with 400 beds available during the summer.
- Second place was awarded the Youth Hostel Park, as part of the Hotel Park
- Third place went to Youth Hostel UNI, which is located in the former hotel "Zamorc", but shares the reception and breakfast lounge with hotel Orel owned by “Terme Maribor.”

Popotniško združenje Slovenije would like to use this opportunity to congratulate all Youth Hostels, which received the award, as well as other competitors that were presenting the quality and principles promoted by International Youth Hostel Federation. The Slovenian branch will celebrate its 80th anniversary in the year 2012 and at the same time the 120th anniversary of youth travel in Slovenia, with the president of the Republic of Slovenia dr. Danilo Türk as the honorary patron.

Hostelling International Slovenia

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