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Solo traveler

Did you ever want to travel round country where none of your familiars would like to go? Did you ever think of wondering in alien world by yourself? And are you just now gathering the courage?

I myself have been thinking for quite some time about solo travelling and finally I bought a flight ticket. I decided to travel, gain new experience, know different culture, food, architecture and people by myself. I went to India, where I already was, but I chose other cities. I had butterflies in my stomach, I admit and I also know, that the old-timers, who regularly travel without companion, are probably laughing, but for me this type of travel was completely new and unique experience. Of course, I had well equipped travel pharmacy, just in case took tear gas, have multiple copies of passport and visa, provided good insurance and all my family members must had Skype.

So if you are going alone on the road for the first time, especially if you are a woman, it is wise to check the advice on the internet or what Travel Guides about the culture of country you are going to. For Muslim countries, including India and some other Asian countries, is clever to dress modestly. Covered shoulders and long pants or skirt will not attract so much attention. Appropriate dress is important for women traveling alone, so conservative locals do not get the wrong impression. I gained men’s respect in India by telling small lies, such as I'm married, but my husband is not with me now, because he is or in the room or at work. If you really do not want to talk to anyone and is interest of locals in your white skin really starting to irritate you, put on big dark sunglasses, headphones in ears and take a decisive step. For single women is not recommend to wonder alone in back streets at night. It is also good idea to arrive in new city at a time when the sun is on the horizon, as it can be uncomfortable and tiring to find accommodation in an unfamiliar place in the middle of the night. Here is another small advice... Do not forget to bargain for the room, as you are alone, so the costs are lower. You can save euro or two by sharing transport (taxis) with some other travelers.

However, I was not afraid of anything else but loneliness. Therefore, here are some suggestions on what to do when you have a really bad traveling day?

1. Wright

No matter how strong you are, during a long journey loneliness from time to time can comes alive. It may be just a moment of weakness or a bad experience you cannot share with anyone at the moment. Of course I have experienced such moment of weakness. At that time I resorted to writing. I write my feelings on the piece of paper, some write blog or confess on Facebook. Responses of your friends will certainly have a beneficial function.

2. Go out, find tourist

Maybe you need a moment for yourself, but it’s certainly not healthy to stay in your room for a long time and pity yourself. Room where is no light and it’s preferably not a great example of cleanliness can only makes things worse. Go on the streets, to the restaurant, café, places frequented by tourists and find nice people. You’ll certainly find someone to whom you can trust or just forget the difficult moments. Indian people know an interesting saying that it is good to remember when rainy days come. They say that in the end everything is ok, if not, that means that you are not at the end. And indeed that is true. You know, after every rain, the sun shines.

3. Rely on family, friends

Send SMS or e-mail to parents, brothers, sisters or friends who you know will answer 100 percent. So in the moment you’ll feel, you're not alone and that you have people you can rely on.

4. Spoil yourself

If you have a really bad day, there is no big deal, if you spend a little extra on something you wouldn’t normally. Treat yourself a nice dinner in the best restaurant, buy yourself a cool souvenir, go to a relaxing massage or visit a spa and relax in the warm embrace of the healing water or even mud, which can be funny experience. Treat yourself with anything that lifts your spirit. However, be careful of drowning your sorrows in alcohol though, that sometimes makes the problem worse.

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Anja Turk

Volunteer of Hostelling International Slovenia