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Culture Shock in Sierra Leone

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Diving deep into a different African experience

In May, I headed to Sierra Leone, a beautiful African country located in the west of the continent. Despite its beauty and natural wealth, Sierra Leone is one of the poorest countries in the world, with high levels of poverty and inequality. Upon entering this country, I was ready for a unique experience that exceeded my expectations.


Sierra Leone's culture is extremely rich and diverse, but it can be quite a culture shock for travellers. Here are some key aspects I experienced during my visit:


The official language in Sierra Leone is English, but only a small part of the population speaks it. Most people communicate in local languages such as Krio and Temne. If you are not proficient in any of these languages, it will be difficult for you to communicate with locals. While English is the official language of the government, education, and the media, people are more likely to express themselves in their home languages in everyday life. If you are travelling to Sierra Leone as a tourist, it is therefore important to learn at least a few basic phrases in Krio or Temne. This will allow you to communicate better with locals and avoid the culture shock.


The lifestyle in Sierra Leone is much simpler and more rural than in many other parts of the world. People here live in small villages and make a living by farming and fishing. They do not have access to modern technologies and services such as the Internet, electricity or water, which can be quite a culture shock for a traveller from the developed world. In wealthier countries, lifestyles are generally more urbanised, with access to all modern technologies and services. You may therefore be surprised at the simple way of life in this country. Despite the lack of modern amenities and technology, I quickly got used to this different life and began to appreciate it.



The values in Sierra Leone are very different from the ones I was used to. Family and community are much more important here. People are extremely connected to the family and spend a lot of time together. This is not to say that in other countries, family is not important, but this connection is more apparent in Sierra Leone. People here have more common interests and activities, which is very different from the more individual interests we see in other parts of the world. During my stay, I realised the importance of family and community in this country, which was a unique experience for me.

Religious beliefs

Religious beliefs also play an extremely important role in the lives of Sierra Leoneans. Most of them are Muslims or Christians, and religion affects all aspects of their lives. As a traveller, it is important to respect local religious beliefs and not try to change the beliefs of the people you meet.


How to prepare for culture shock?

Read about the country and its culture, and talk to people who've been there before. This will help you understand and prepare for cultural differences. Here are some tips for overcoming culture shock in Sierra Leone:

  • Be open to new experiences: don't judge too quickly or try to change the culture of Sierra Leone. Instead, try to learn and embrace their way of life.
  • Be respectful: respect local culture and beliefs. Always remember that you are a guest in this country.
  • Be prepared for the inconvenience: expect a variety of experiences, such as a lack of hygiene, a simple lifestyle, or different religious beliefs. These are the building blocks of a rich cultural experience.

In any case, do not let culture shock discourage you from travelling to this beautiful country. With a sense of openness to new things and respect for the local culture, you will soon overcome cultural differences and adapt to the new reality. A trip to Sierra Leone brought me an unforgettable experience that broadened my horizons and taught me to appreciate the diversity of the world.

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