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Festival of typical Karst Stone

Autumn is slowly coming to the Karst area. Lower temperatures are just right for sport activities in the peaceful nature, which makes surrounding area more colourful. Nature is full of produce that make tipical Karst dishes even more tasty. All this can be felt the most in the 400 year old Karst homestead which was renovated to the Youth Hostel Pliskovica. Here you can also rent bikes and thus experience autumn on Karst in a recreative way.

This year, for the first time in Pliskovica, there will be a festival of tipical Karst Stone. The event will take place on the 21st and 22nd of September. The main theme of the festival will be the competition in stonecutting. Activities, which are mostly closely connected to Karst stone, are enriched with numerous workshops, guided hikes and much more.

The main aim of the Institute of Sport, Turism and Leisure Time Sežana is growth of sport culture and public awareness of importance of sports. Every year in October they organize an autumn cycling trip around Karst. This year it will be on the 12th of October. Two tours with different levels of difficulty are just right for recreational cyclists and also for those who want to overcome more difficult tours with higher elevation difference. The most special plant for this area, the purple sumac, which is famous for its special autumn colors, makes cycling trough the Karst landscape even more magical.

The flavours of the typical Karst dishes in autumn are inspired by nature and the cultural heritage. This time of the year is just perfect for visiting one of the typical restaurants, ‘osmca’ or similar culinary events where superb chefs enrich traditional dishes with tasty produce from the countryside.

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