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Fit on the trip

You know the feeling when you sit on a plane and fly to places far from home, far from home cuisine, the gym where you were 'tortured' by fitness instructors, far from massage therapist, far from fitness and everyday worries? It's beautiful!

As fast as kilometers on the counter in the cockpit fly, so fast your thoughts fly to new adventures, new people and places of interest. I love the feeling when I, for some time, leave everything domestic. However, physical activity has always been an important part of my everyday life. The movement, relaxation and a healthy diet are crucial to maintaining a healthy body, we all know that. Flood of commercials on television about how to become fit, the bombing of a healthy lifestyle on every third page of magazines, finesses that are growing like mushrooms after the rain, and now menus in restaurants serving food with almost no fat ... Yeah, that is following us all the time. But when it comes to travel, these things are easily overlooked and left to enjoy it. Jet, they do not have to be completely forgotten. Here are some brief tips on how not to lose form while travelling.

Exercise and Running

When I was going on a trip to India, the last words of fitness instructor were: "Now I'll show you a couple of exercises that you can do in a shabby room also. And do not forget to pack sports shoes for jogging!" Exercises, such as sit-ups, push-ups and many other you can do every morning or before you go to bed, in the comfort of room. If you are in a dorm you can certainly find a place on the roof terrace, or a patch of grass, where no one will disturb you. As you probably know the most important is self-discipline. On longer trips this short activity can become a routine after a certain time and you will feel better because every day you do something for your body. There are many hostels with fitness centers that are included in price. In HI Hostel Ljubljana you can also choose among badminton, squash, fitness and aerobics.
Wherever we are, we can run. All we need is suitable footwear and clothing ... and you're on the move. Even in Mumbai, I saw people running early in the morning on the sidewalks of that megalomaniac sleepy town. Much better is if you are somewhere in the village and explore the surroundings in such a way. Yes, you will experience the views from curious passers-by, but never mind.

Dancing, hiking or swimming

There are many fun ways of maintaining your body in shape. Are you a fan of dancing? Then Cuba is perfect for you. Salsa has found its way overseas and took a great deal of crazy dancers by storm. My friend told me that on holidays in Cuba she ruined two pairs of her shoes, as she was dancing all the time. What about tango in Argentina? Or the waltz in Vienna? Dance is a body language, which is expressed through a rhythm of music; it is fun, relaxing and helps you to meet new and interesting people faster. Do not forget, it keeps you in motion.
If you love mountains and hiking you definitely include a hike to the top of the volcano, a mountain or a hill. Trekking’s in Asian countries are fairly cheap and a good way of exercise. But do not forget about proper equipment, also, you will be safer with a guide. (Check HI hostels in Asia.)
Who does not like to spend a couple of days at sea? On the sandy beaches you can play volleyball (for firm buttocks) or football. Swimming in the sea is a great form of recreation. But pay attention to any warnings on the beach, especially if you plan to swim, where the currents are strong. Today, some hostels have a pool for guests free of charge, such as the Hostel Debeli rtič in Ankaran.


Morning mist rising above the freshly cut grass in a park, near the skyscrapers and crazy traffic, but still so far away from the city center. In a clearing among the mighty trees lie soft pillows where people are doing yoga. Relaxing before stressful day or just before the day full of new adventures. In many cities, yoga in the parks is free. You can also attend some classes and then do it yourself. In China, Tai Chi is popular; people also do it in urban parks. On free days they dance in beautiful parks as well. They will be happy if you join them.
For a healthy mind in a healthy body, it is nothing better than relaxing in the sauna. And there is no better place for this kind of relaxation as Finland. Many Finland HI hostels offer guests a sauna, which is already included in the price. Learn more about an important part of the everyday life of Finns here. In Turkey Hamam is popular, where you get massage on hot marble floor. You should try it. (For HI hostels in Turkey, click here.)
There are classic, Thai, Ayurvedic, therapeutic, such with oils or without ... Yes, these are massages that are not only relaxing, but also lessen pain and muscle tension, increase blood circulation and calm the mental, physical and emotional stress. More about the massages was already written in Globetrotter.
This crazy world where we are constantly in a hurry and where the day does not have enough hours to complete everything, it will sooner or later force you to find your own piece of peace. Meditation is no longer ‘new age’ whim, it has become important for maintaining a peaceful and stable individual. And there is no better place to get in touch with that than in Asia, which is imbued with spiritual. In India you will find ashrams, centers for meditation (which are very different), and temples, where you will be introduced to the basics of searching soul peace.
Travelling can be wonderful, if we also include exercise. If we add sauna, meditation, Tai Chi, and/or relaxing massage, we will return home full of power and ready for a new start.

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