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Meet our Žan!

Žan Rebolj decided for a different kind of life. He left everything behind in Slovenia and went away on 24.5.2015. He sat on a plane in Trieste and headed for London. From there he continued his adventures path. He started traveling at the age of 19, meaning 7 years ago. Now, when he thinks back, he thinks he should have started travelling earlier. You can also follow him via his blog:

How did you organize for this trip, when you didn’t even really know where you’re going?
Žan: »I had a sort of meeting in London and left for the Victoria station, where I checked for good prices on bus tickets. Life, as I call it, brought me to Scotland for the amount of three pounds. When I got to centre of Glasgow, the first thing I felt was the need to walk. Just walk. So I started walking and walked all the way to the coast. On the way I asked people for direction and they all looked at me as though there was something wrong, as the road ahead was long and I was carrying 20 kilos of luggage with me. But I didn’t give up, until I’ve reached the destination.«

Why did you decide on such a travel?
Žan: »I realized it during my long walk, which somehow sobered me up. I knew before that I cannot live in this “normal” life. Everybody is running pass each other with their smart phones, with no time for the people. They seem to buy things despide not needing them. We always listen to others, what they are trying to say and are burdened by their opinions, even if we don’t know the people. We also think of others too much and don’t know what life is. So I asked myself – Žan, do you really want this? Do you want to travel the world and then return to the “normal” life? And my answer was – NO.« 

Is it true you travel without money?
Žan: »Yes, I travel without spending money. I have some resources on my bank account, but don’t use it. I want to spend as much time as possible without using money. And I’m not a burden to others. Among other things I’m a WWOOFER, where I work on organic farms in exchange for free food and bed. I also help as events, where I say right away that I don’t accept money, but they can offer me food and sometimes they offer me a place to sleep also. When I hitchhike people are always nice, they sometimes offer to buy me food along with the ride, or even invite me to their homes. Sometimes hitchhiking turns into a road trip, so at one time I got a ride for the whole length to the northern coastal time and back.«

You’ve also gotten some food from trash?
Žan: »I want to raise awareness to what’s happening. There’s tons of vegetables rotting in the fields, as the farmers never collect everything. Many people treat these vegetables as trash. So I’m trying to raise awareness, but at the same time get things to eat as well. People are really nice about it and always say: “if you need anything else, you know where to find me, just come around.” I was trying to bust the myth that this only happens down south.«

And when did your trip turn into a life decision?
Žan: »It’s like this, it all started here. I’ve decided on 1.8.2015 for a year and denounced money. I wrote an article: One year in UK without the use of money, is it even possible? I’ve decided to become a WWOOFER, a volunteer cook, hitchhiker, a spy at animal farms, and much more. In a sentence – I’ve decided not to use money for a whole year, as I try to prove that we don’t need smart phones, piles of clothing and other things for life. I’ve decided to learn how to grow my own food and process it (fruit and vegetables), how to become self-sufficient and many other things. And almost three months have passed, since I last used money and I got to admit… well, that’s a different story altogether.«

Žan decided to start writing a blog in English through which many others could follow in his footsteps. He knows that it’s not easy to start writing something like this, especially for somebody who doesn’t full master the foreign language. But they say practice makes perfect, so he will stay at it until he becomes good at it. 

What’s the reason for your travels, which are different from most others?
Žan: »My reason was to get to know new places, taste new food – now vegan, get to meet new cultures and become a part of people’s daily lives..«

What were the beginnings of your travels?
Žan: »Beginnings… I think I’ll never forget my first trip. I’ve never liked the English language, don’t know why. Maybe because I wanted to be a teen rebel. So one day I’ve decided to buy a ticket to London, where I’d organize my own trip and be in touch with the language the whole time. But the funny thing was that when a friend brought me to the airport I didn’t want to go on, as I am afraid of flying. Yes, you’ve read it correctly. I was afraid of something I didn’t know. I was afraid of the opinions of people, who said the plane could crash. But the fear disappeared when I sat on the plane and I got to love flying, as I’ve felt as a bird in a clear sky. I knew I could fly anywhere I’d want to.«

Žan organized all of his travels as he couldn’t afford to travel with tourist organizations and also never had the desire to, as his own organization presented him a challenge he loved. He thinks that if you plan your own travel you become the real traveller. 

How long were your trips - usually?
Žan: »I’ve always travelled for three to four weeks, as everybody told me to choose a normal life. I should find a place to live and live normally. So I’ve spent much time sobbing inside, until I stopped listening to others and denounced it all. When I say it ALL, I really mean it. Then I went into the world. At the moment I’m traveling for 5 months and 4 days and I haven’t even begun.«

Before undertaking his new life, Žan got some sponsors that eased his departure, but otherwise he travels without money. In Scotland it’s the Scottish opera that’s helping him and he’s taling to a Dutch company, but nothing is set yet. Already he’s getting offers that upon his return to Slovenia he’d have several lectures, with which he could make money. 

How many countries have you visited? 
Žan: »15, but always only as a tourist. I’ve returned to some country for some time as it became my favourite destination, but I must admit that tourist travel is not for me. I guess my life simply wasn’t meant for it, and I had to discover something more and I’m grateful for it.«
Was there a trip you really liked? 
Žan: »I really liked the trip to Hamburg, where I visited the fish market. I didn’t eat fish, but I went to the market for the low prices of fruit and vegetables, and I’ve also danced and met a friend that I still keep in touch with.«

Žan is always travelling alone and says he’s never bored, as he gets to meet many new people and other travellers. He generally had good experience with people along the travel, and the only negative experience was one robbery he had. 

Usually each traveller has a destination where he wants to get to. Which one is yours?
Žan: »My wish is not a specific destination. I believe we have everything we need for living and must enjoy the moment of HERE and NOW. And that’s the moment that counts. If I think back of the past or ahead of the future I’m not living the here and now. So if I currently travel and think about the next destination I’ll miss what is happening right now. But I would like to have the experience of travelling on an ocean liner.«

A very peculiar traveller, Žan, who always travelled by public transport, decided for a different kind of travel – so he’s walking around a part of the globe. “This travel set my life upside down, but in a good way.” Those were his words of farewell to us.

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