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Shark diving in Port Lincoln

One tiny Australian costal town is making a big splash with global adventure tourists, who are travelling from all over the world just to visit Port Lincoln to dive with the Great White Sharks and swim with Southern Blue Fin Tuna.



Debbie Foster has just taken a bite of the action, opening the sleek and friendly Port Lincoln YHA. The affordable and aesthetically creative hostel offers adventures a great home base to embark upon the adventure tours or to simply unwind and have a hot shower after a day at sea. “I am so excited to open the hostel,” Debbie tells me, “we even brought in four metre white sharks for guests to take their picture with in the reception.” Thankfully this shark is fixed to the wall, so travellers can enjoy the thrills of the region’s deep blue sea in their pyjamas.   

Debbie’s relatives run the local shark cage diving experience Calypso Star Charter, where Natasha Becker has been working with sharks for almost two years. Natasha tells me “over a third of our visitors in the past year are international travellers, most of whom have planned their travel to Australia around their shark cage diving tour. Four out of five tourists to Port Lincoln come specifically to do our tour making us one of the most iconic products for our region; of course Southern Blue Fin Tuna is the most iconic.”
Natasha, a big city girl at heart, who worked with the other kind of sharks as a lawyer in Adelaide for seven years when she decided to take the plunge into a life less ordinary. “I thought working with sharks would be something completely out of the ordinary, ultimately I thought this would help me face my fear and learn more about the Great Whites and perhaps maybe even learn to like them, now I do love working with them.”

Shark diving in Port Lincoln

It is about experiencing one of the most amazing adventure tourism activities Australia and the world has to offer. It’s a full day of action, fun and education and it’s about coming face to face with the ocean’s ultimate predatory fish, viewing these creatures in their natural environment and getting a little wet.

The tour takes you out to the Neptune Islands where part of the film jaws was filmed and it’s also home to a large seal colony with over 4000 pups born each year. As an important feeding ground and a recognised location of the migratory path of the Great White Sharks, tours sight sharks between nine out of ten trips at any time of the year.

The company is owned by local couple Ron and Janet Forster whose daughter in law, Emma Forster, and son Robert Forster, are also in the fishy business, operating charters to swim with tuna.

Emma Forster tells me swimming with tuna is the best thing you can do with a wetsuit on, “imagine jumping flipper first into a school of fast moving Southern Bluefin Tuna, the agility and speed of these magnificent creatures is jaw dropping and makes it very easy to understand why they are nicknamed the Porsche or Ferrari of the sea.” 
The award winning Swim with the Tuna operates a three hour tour from Port Lincoln, it takes 15 minutes to arrive at the world class Tuna Pontoon, where fish are eagerly awaiting your arrival.
“You can visit the touch pond and giggle at how scallops swim, hold a baby Port Jackson shark and hand feed a Blue Morwong, they love to be hand fed and have their tummy's tickled,” she reveals.

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