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Why should you Volunteer in Nepal


Why should you Travel and Volunteer in Nepal the next summer?

Nepal is a land-locked country situated in South East Asia, and bordering with India and China. It is a country of diverse landscape -from hot and sweltering region bordering in India, the landscape rises steeply and sometimes steadily to encompass the mighty Himalayas. Within this landscape, you’ll find green valleys, deep gorges, forests, steep terrains and various rivers. The religion and culture of Nepal is as diverse as its landscape. Nepal is an amalgamation of various castes, creed and culture of people who have migrated from the various regions of Indian Subcontinent and Northern China.

Nepal is a developing nation, many of its social sectors are poorly built and which require continuous support of resources (Capital & Manpower) to keep up.
As a volunteer and traveler in Nepal you can create the best prospect for yourself -to learn, adopt and teach, and to further your experience in the social work.

Out of these, few of the best volunteer programs available in Nepal are as follows:

1. Working in an Orphanage
Mass poverty, past conflicts and migration has deeply affected the people of Nepal. Many children are abandoned on the streets by their parents due to dire poverty. Most of the children are found working as the wage worker in the small scale factories, restaurants or as less-paid house-maids. Due to lack of proper state initiative and resources, many orphanages are unable to care for increasing numbers of orphans in their center.

2. Teaching in a Resource Poor School
Nepal is a mass of wide Hills and high mountains. More than 70% of the population has limited access to electricity, education and urbanization due to lack of infrastructure of development. In this case, illiteracy among children and adults is natural. The rural areas cannot afford private schooling, therefore, most of the international donors and non-profits help to provide free education and literacy classes to the neediest in their region.

3. Teaching Buddhist Monks
Buddhist monasteries in Nepal maintain high ethic of theosophy. Almost all of them are Tibetan monks, unable to speak in English and unknown about standard school courses. Learning English and variety of courses will help them to brighten their future and increase their limited knowledge of outside world.

4. Language and Cultural Immersion
Nepal is rich in variety of languages and cultures. It has more than 1000s of languages from Mountains to Terai with various ethnic cultures. Living in Nepal among Nepalese and learning their language and culture will be the most exciting and life-changing experience for someone who is interested in learning new cultures.

Great Places to See and Visit in Nepal:

1. Kathmandu
Kathmandu is the capital of the Nepal. Almost 25% of the whole population resides in Kathmandu. With the presence of International Airport, Kathmandu is accessible to every tourist arriving in the country. The temples, historical palaces and monuments are for great Art and History enthusiasts. For night life and parties, Thamel, Kings-way and Jhamsikhel are fantastic.

2. Trekking
Higher Northern Regions of Nepal such as Annapurna, Everest and Manang are the favorite for Adrenaline Junkies and trekkers, and giving you a chance to experience conquering few of the highest mountains in the world. Climbing the great height of 5,000 meters to Everest Base Camp, and 4,000meters to Annapurna Base Camp is totally speechless.

3. Holiday Destination –Pokhara, Chitwan
Few of the places in Nepal are truly made for Holidaying and vacationing. Pokhara, in the Mid-western region of Nepal, is the fantastic place for sunlust. Hiking, paragliding, boating, etc is famous in Pokhara. On the other hand, Chitwan provides sub-tropical forest and variety of wildlife. Royal Chitwan National Park in Chitwan is the ultimate destination for wildlife enthusiasts.

4. Hiking in Northern Nepal
Hiking in the northern trail of Nepal, such as Jomsom, Mustang and Karnali is a great pleasure for sight-seeing, experiencing the ethnic Tibeto-Burman culture and for exotic food.

Consider traveling and volunteering in Nepal Next Summer, and enjoy the most exotic culture of South East Asia.

Visit HI Nepal or to book hostels in Kathmandu and other hostels in Nepal.

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