Parents who go to the mountains with small children are a little unusual for a lot of people. We have to listen to a lot of criticism, and a lot of praises. What stands behind the criticism? Many times enviousness of our determination, will, energy. Most people are confused, have strange thoughts and they start to get to know something they didn’t know before. A lot of them don’t even know what to think. But we know that it is really healthy for small children to spend a lot of time in the nature and in contact with their parents.
Active while pregnant
Since I know about myself, I’ve been active. Sports has been a part of me since I was little. Soon it became an every day activity and soon it turned into the most beautiful experiences. There weren’t many things that could stop me from being active. Even pregnancy didn’t stop me. When I found out about the happy news, I must admit, I had a thought about how I will stay active now. I just needed time to think and I had to accept the fact that I will have to make some adjustments. No, pregnancy isn’t a sickness, it is just a different state. As usual people told me that I will have to calm down a little. But they just gave me the additional motivation to stay active. And I did stay active throughout the whole pregnancy. I climbed mountains until the fifth month of my pregnancy. I also cycles, did ski touring, stood on a SUP and ran. As an active caver, I didn’t give it up, I just chose the caves more carefully. I visited the caves that were easier to visit. Horizontal and wide caves were the choice for me. Every sports can be adjusted to my state. I never endangered myself or the baby. And when the tummy became bigger, I just climbed mountains. I felt more than great. I should give birth at the end of July but the birth surprised me and I gave birth three weeks too soon. The day before the birth was the most special, I stood a the peak of a two thousand metre high mountain. Me and my friend went to Peca. I said that this was my last climb before giving birth when they don’t have to pick me up at the end with a car. I planned some easier climbs for the next three weeks but the birth surprised me.

It’s true, life changes a bit
But it changes to better. Life also doesn’t stop when you find out that you’re pregnant or later, when a little baby comes to this world. You have to live your life to the fullest and I’m doing that from the first day, when I found out that I was pregnant. I admit, the rhythm of life is different, it’s even more active from time to time, and definitely more full and with a new meaning. My partner and daughter’s grandparents support me at every activity.
Back to the mountains after the birth
Baby girl was born and a lot of people said that she was born with love for mountains. My lifestyle is so connected to sports that I couldn’t get a regular stroller. I’m happy that there are so many parents like me and some companies started to make professional sports baby strollers. These strollers actually targeted Scandinavian countries but are now popular all over the world. It’s very expensive but certainly worth the price. I can run, skate, cycle, go cross-country skiing or take a walk with snowshoes or even take off-piste ski. Three weeks after I gave birth I took a stroller to the most famous mountain in Koroška, to the mountain Uršlja gora. The stroller with great suspension and discs was so good that my daughter slept through the whole tour. The stroller was comfortable and the fresh air was so beneficial to my daughter. The first tour was amazing so we continued to be active. We climbed a lot of mountains from all over Slovenia and we also went across the border. We climbed a mountain in every neighbouring country and some peaks in Spain. But we still come back to our first mountain, we visited Uršlja gora six times. It is a mountain that’s perfect for anyone. Simple paths enable access to parents with baby carriers as well as to better sports strollers.

Active and sports parents enjoy our moments with our children in nature. But for some it is better to sit in a coffee shop with a stroller in city centres, at busy roads than to play with their child at the peak of a mountain.